I went to a Leadership Education Forum this past Saturday. It was very uplifting. I was worried that it would confuse me after making up my mind (prayerfully) to send my two oldest back to public school. It didn't. Instead, I felt a calming reassurance I was doing the right thing in our home. With clarity I felt what my purpose and call is. Without doubt ; without second guessing I was cemented in my conviction of the Legacy we are creating in our family.
Now for the work. Ah yes, the work.
I am very inspired by a woman named Peggy. Let me explain.
I don't like work. Truth is, I try to avoid it at all costs. The harder something gets, the more likely it is that I will opt out. This is one of my many character flaws. I will work hard at something if I am enjoying the work but when it starts to get uncomfortable . . . see ya!
Despite this flaw, I tend to be attracted to things that take a great deal of hard work because I know that ultimately I am meant to do more with my life. Aren't we all?
This is were my adoration for Peggy comes in. Here is a woman who has taken the hard road. Sometimes I wonder what she is doing! She organizes forums and seminars. She has created a floating university for parents. She puts on retreats for the youth. That takes juggling and planning; that takes money and sleepless nights; that takes leaving comfort zones and sacrifice - that takes work!
She has 6 children under the age of 8 - two of which are babies. She struggles with timidity and insecurities (although I can't understand why - she's such an amazing woman). Her husband is an actor so until he lines up that one big break, things are tight. Although I am sure they have kind intentions, she has opposition (the kind only a homeschooling parent can appreciate) from family. Did I mention she has 6 children under the age of eight? Two of which she has adopted. And still she keeps going with these dreams and plans to keep Leadership education alive.
Why? Is she crazy? Overly idealistic? A masochist?
Or does this have something to do with conviction, courage and purpose?
People don't do hard things unless they are either crazy or convicted. This I believe. Why on earth would a group of people break away from the main church in England to worship as their conscience dictates; under the threat of imprisonment or death; get on a ship and sail to America only to meet similar opposition unless they were either crazed, idealistic masochists or spurred by courageous, purpose driven conviction?
Peggy would joke that she is crazy but she isn't. The girl has conviction. Because of that conviction she has been making sacrifices to do the hard work that needs to be done in order to create the learning and living environment she knows will lift her family to the place they are meant to be. It hasn't been easy and I can't fully appreciate just what that means. I can only sense it with a sympathetic shudder.
That kind of determination moves me. At first, I was so glad she felt the 'call' to keep leadership learning burning bright in our area because then I wouldn't have to worry about doing any of that hard work. But because of Peggy, I am able to hear clearly what my call really is and because of her example I am less afraid of the work that needs to be done to answer it.
With conviction comes work.
With work comes reward.
With reward comes more work.
With work comes peace.
All I have ever wanted is peace. There is only one way to peace and that is through work.
*crap* I mean, yippee!