Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mother ~ Daughter Adventure

For a two years now I have been thinking about trying my hand at a small business making bags and aprons. I have been inspired by the creative efforts of Soulemama. I had initially planned to partner with a friend but as the years have passed we have taken different paths. For a few months I have been sewing totes and enjoying my creative efforts.

Little did I know but someone was watching. She was always asking about the bags.

"Momma, may I have a bag?"
"Momma, are you making bags again?"
"Oh, I like that bag! Can I have it?"

Then it hit me. "Why don't we do this together?!" I asked her if she'd like to be my partner.

"Can I be the President?"
"Yes, we can both be the President."
"Can I design bags?"

Tansy was somewhat interested. So together we brainstormed business names. I came up with a name that I have been quite fond of for years but she thought it was too 'sweet'. She wanted something more 'spunky'. We have Decided to call our little business
bumble-anne bags.
Tansy became more interested. We are presently working on the Logo.

We also came up with a business plan and the more we discussed it the more excited we became. Now she is thrilled about our new business venture and we chat away like girlfriends about it.

This is such a wonderful opportunity to create a memory with my daughter. I'll keep you posted on our little adventure together!

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