Monday, August 20, 2007

I'ts a Girl!

I have been wanting to post for several weeks but things have gotten in the way. Where to begin, where to begin!

Let's go back to August 30th - moving day. Jim got me up at 4:00 IN THE MORNING to do some last minute cleaning and packing before we were to be completely out of the house by 7:00. We were all moved into our new place before noon. I went to work on unpacking all the rest of the day and didn't get to bed until 11:00 p.m. It was a long day.

August 31 began at about 9:30 a.m...

...and so did some contractions.

I found that if I laid down they went away and I knew that I had overdone it but I just couldn't stay down. I'd get up to unpack something and a contraction would remind me that I needed to sit down and relax again. By 4:30 those pesky contractions were coming regardless of what I was or was not doing. I went in to the hospital. At 36 weeks I was in labor, my doctor shook his finger at me for over exerting myself with the move and off I went to have a baby in a much bigger hospital that had a NICU - just in case.

At 9:30 p.m. Emma Mary was delivered by the nurses - all 5 pounds 6 ounces of her . Once my water broke she exploded into the world in less than 90 seconds. The doctor arrived just in time to deliver my ... placenta.

Emma didn't cry (I didn't hear her cry for 3 days) but she was healthy and perfect. They took her off to NICU while I wolfed down a turkey sandwich. 3 days later we brought her home... boxes. She's okay with it though. She's such a good baby and we are all enraptured by her. She gets lots and lots of kisses (her forehead and cheeks are chapped because of them). She's okay with that as well.

1 comment:

arlene said...

Stacey, she is perfectly beautiful!! What a time you had! Maybe this little girl's mission is to get her mommy to slow down a little and notice the blessings in that? After all, it seems the boxes waited just fine while you welcomed her into the world.
I'm very happy for all of you. A baby is such a wonderful all of us!