Saturday, October 21, 2006

What's your Everest?

I've been told and I believe that the sure way to success is to keep the end in mind and to work hard until you get there. When we started home based learning I had to honestly ask myself why I was doing this.

What am I trying to accomplish in my home anyway?
Am I willing to do the work - make the sacrifices - take the heat to get there?

I came up with a list of objectives . . .

  1. We are preparing to meet God.

  2. We are preparing for our life missions/purpose to make the world a better place.

  3. We are establishing a tradition of life learning through Leadership education.

  4. We are preparing to be self sufficient.

With this end in mind we go forth each day. It isn't easy. It is the hardest thing I've yet to do. Motherhood is demanding as it is, some days I wonder why I took on this added responsibility of home educating. It isn't that I think that I am better than other mothers or other educators for that matter. Why do some people look at Mount Everest and wish to plant their flag on the top of it? I do it because the option is there and I would love the opportunity to teach my children - to take on the challenge and see it through to the end. So I've taken it with my little flag in hand.

Many people have told me that they could never do it because they don't have the patience. I have stopped saying that they could do it and that they would find the patience. They don't home school because they don't want to - isn't it wonderful how that works! I am not being sarcastic or judgemental in the least. I have been baffled by rumors that home school moms think they are better than the average mother. Teaching my children at home interests me. It is my passion. I don't expect everyone to have the same passions, that would be terribly dull. We all have different dreams and visions for ourselves - or maybe we don't - perhaps we all want the same things we just have different ways of going about getting to that 'end'. What a wonderful life this is to have freedom to choose for ourselves what we do with this time we have!

We all have our Everest's to climb - this is mine. I hope you all the best in climbing yours. Truly I do. I am here cheering you on your way as you ascend it. I believe you can do it.

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