Monday, April 02, 2007

I am sewing!

Let me tell you of my experience in sewing. My mother put me in 4-H sewing when I was 12. I used a very old sewing machine that might have been my grandmothers or someones' grandmothers'. It seldom worked. I spent most of my time a.) fighting with the sewing machine and b.) ripping out the stitches I managed to sew. My 4-H leader did most of my sewing because I was so behind. Needless to say- I have hated sewing since.

In the late 90's my husband bought me a sewing machine which I used a little. I made a dress for my daughter (with a lot of help from a friend) and I made some curtains and other odds and ends. I didn't hate it anymore but it wasn't my favorite past time.

Suddenly, all I want to do is sew. Totes! I made these and I had such fun! No help from anyone. Granted, they aren't hard to make but they bring me such pleasure. I love love love totes! I can not have too many. They work for everything. I am hoping to sell a bunch of them locally.

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