Thursday, October 11, 2007

I can't resist...she's too inspiring...

I have a few favorite blogs I read faithfully each morning...I am not much into reading the daily newspaper...I am into a different kind of news...a more intimate that inspires me and brings me joy.

I love my diarists. Several I know very well. They are my close friends.

A few diarists I have never met and they don't know I visit them each day (which sounds rather creepy when you think about it ... I'm like a virtual-peeping-tom...anyway, as I was saying...)

Their lives touch mine. Jane Brocket is one of those diarist. I love the way she views the world. She lives in color - literally. I hope you visit her blog but I must first warn you dear reader - reading Jane's entries leads to weight gain. Yes, some posts consist of at least 350 calories.

Yarnstorm makes me happy. When I read her words and digest her photos I feel like there is some hope in this big mess of a world. I feel myself lifted into that part of me who wants to dance in the grocery isle, wear a big feather hat to church, walk barefoot in the park and drink hot chocolate from vintage tea cups. I am lifted into that higher part of me who sings a little louder, talks a little brighter, loves a little deeper - lives a little truer. I value this beautiful globe we live in because it is filled with beautiful places, beautiful things and beautiful people.

1 comment:

arlene said...

Stacey, I've been known to do a bit of innocent stalking around your blog too (at Quiet Life, which I have linked on my blog...I thought you'd given up blogging for a season!)
I love your "voice", and I'm still hopeful you'll find time to work on a book.