Thursday, June 12, 2008

One of those days...

I had one of those days. You know the kind - pull your hair out or throw in the towel kind of days - the type of day that can't be described without a cliche. Yes, I had one of those kind of days.

I wish I knew the perfect formula to avoid days like this but I don't. All I can do is pray and persevere. God loves mothers - that's why he made chocolate and bubble baths. So, tonight before I slip under the covers I extend a hug to all those who had a bad hair day.


Redneckliber said...

You are a great mother. Satan gives doubt and the Lord gives hope. That is the lesson I learned today.
Love you,

Mary Siever said...


It's the good days that make up for 'those' days. Oh I hear you on that one!! Just recently I read in Phases of Learning that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes a mother to raise a village and that is exactly what you are doing. Regroup, relax and know you are supported by the Lord and find strength in him. You are doing great.
